Nodevember: Notes From the JavaScript + Node.js Conference

We sent a team of two developers to Nashville for the first annual Nodevember. Here, Josh fills us in on why he dubbed the conference for JavaScript and Node developers “a great success.” Hint: it wasn’t the prevalence of boot shops but it might have been the honky-tonk.

Group of people gathered on a a street at night outside of a business called Roberts.In two lines or less, what are the top takeaways for you from the Node.js conference?
It was awesome to see the node community active other than on the coasts.
I learned that there is a great community of smart people that center around Node and teaching others how to use it effectively.

Who was the best speaker you saw? Just the name and a few words to explain why.
Hunter Loftis – Honest information, excellent delivery and well informed on using Node in production. I also liked his presentation on writing games in Javascript.

Tell us how you will work differently as a result of anything you learned at the conference.
Too much to list. Scaling happens when you diverge away from a Monolith architecture and embrace the Unix philosophy of smaller pieces that can work together.
I will also try to build a local community in Madison that will work on the principles of the Node community.

Did you buy boots?
No boots were purchased, but we did get to listen to some great music downtown the night before.